We are called to acknowledge this land on which we are grateful to work, live and worship as the ancestral home of the Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg people. We respect their traditional relationship with and stewardship of this land, and commit to supporting Reconciliation and a just world for all,
in the Way of Jesus.
“Love one another, as I have loved you.” (John 15:12)
We are a little country church with a big heart, known for our fellowship, friendliness and love for each other and our community. We love to sing and have fun together, and we cherish our children and our large extended family.
We strive to follow the Way of Jesus; to love God, to love and help one another, to seek justice and to nurture community.
Our mission: To know, to show, to grow God’s love…
Our vision: Motivated by God’s Love to build for the future.
We'd love to see you this Sunday!
Minister - Rev. Kim Falls
Associate Minister - Rev.Lynn Smith-Reeve
Music Ministry - Judy Saunders
Our Mission
To know God’s love, to show God’s love, to grow God’s love
Our Vision
Motivated by God’s love to build for the future
East Central Ontario Regional Council
has links to faith communities within the borders of the Regional Council
who are offering live streaming or pre-recorded worship.
The Bible is the shared standard for our faith, but members are not required to adhere to any particular creed or formulation of doctrine.
The United Church celebrates two sacraments—baptism and communion—by which we encounter the presence and goodness of God.
Giving, Generosity, and Gratitude
God’s e
The Bible is the shared standard for our faith, but members are not required to adhere to any particular creed or formulation of doctrine.
The United Church celebrates two sacraments—baptism and communion—by which we encounter the presence and goodness of God.
Giving, Generosity, and Gratitude
God’s endless generosity to us encourages our own response to contribute in many ways to God’s mission in God’s world.
United Church faith communities welcome people from all backgrounds and orientations—wherever you are in your faith journey. This section offers an overview of the United Church’s beliefs.
Discover the power of prayer, action, and community.
Each person is a unique, loved creation of God; we welcome all people to the full life of Christian community, including marriage.
Respectful of the religious practice of all people of goodwill, we are a welcoming church that is challenged to ongoing renewal.
Following the example of Jesus,
Each person is a unique, loved creation of God; we welcome all people to the full life of Christian community, including marriage.
Respectful of the religious practice of all people of goodwill, we are a welcoming church that is challenged to ongoing renewal.
Following the example of Jesus, we believe that we strengthen one another to work, through God's grace, for a better world.
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